Advertisement for international open tender

Contract title: Contract supply of three (03) 4x4 Motor Vehicles, suitable for on and off operations, for the transportation of equipment and personnel in Malawi (MW)

Publication reference: DCI-FOOD/2011/270-018/TENDER VEHICLES/2012

Save the Children Italia Onlus intends to award a supply contract for three (03) 4x4 Motor Vehicles, suitable for on and off operations, for the transportation of equipment and personnel for the implementation of the action entitled: "Innovative Approaches to Cash Transfer Delivery in Malawi (MW)" with financial assistance from the European Union Food Security Thematic Programme DCI-FOOD/2011/270-018.

The tender dossier is available from the office of Save the Children in Malawi, Ngerengere House, Off Mchinji Road, P.O. Box 30374, Lilongwe, Malawi or in the office of Save the Children Italia Onlus, Via Volturno 58, 00185 Rome, Italy (IT). The electronic dossier in .pdf format is also available on request at the following recipient: The advertisement for international open tender is published on the Save the Children Italia Onlus website: as well as in the most relevant newspapers in Malawi (The Nation and The Daily Times).

The deadline for submission of tenders is 12:00AM (UTM +02:00) of 27/07/2012 (Thirty (30) calendar days after the date of publication of this advertisement).

Possible additional information or clarifications/questions shall be published on the Save the Children website: as well as in the most relevant local newspapers in Malawi (The Nation and The Daily Times).

Download the supply procurement notice

UPDATE 01/08/2012: The opening session of the tender for purchase of vehicles above mentioned has been postpone to the 3rd of August 2012 at 12.00 pm.